Wednesday, June 9, 2004

The recent move has allowed me to do something I wanted to do many times, and that is to change my voter registration. I have always been registered as a Democrat but now I will be registered as “declines to state”. I wanted to be an independent (with a small i) but that choice is not available. Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Peace and Freedom…all a part of the same coin, simply different faces.

To be truthful, I wanted to be registered as a Centrist. Being in the center I could pick and choose what might be good from the parties at opposite sides. (If there were to be any good to come from any party).

Over the years, those on the Right have evolved into mindless “super patriots”, never willing to entertain any thoughts that might differ from those espoused by Republican Party headquarters. Those on the Left, suffer from the same condition; Mindlessness. They follow whatever sounds or feels right. Democrats don’t even qualify as “Leftists”, as they have drifted so far to the Right in search of power and votes.

Historically, those on the Right have become some of the worst villains in our time. The German Right wing became the Nazi party and the Italian Rightists evolved into Fascists. It’s the same story for the Left. The ideologue’s, Lenin and Marx, became the cruel masters, Stalin and Khrushchev.

All of which leads me to believe that as the Right and Left strain to get further from each other, they actually become the same. Think of a large belt and see the Right and Left as objects on that belt, moving away from each other. Of course they meet in the back. Where they appear to be furthest from each other, in reality they are the same, but where no one can see them. Look at any nation/state where the Right rules and you will find as repressive a state as that ruled by those on the Left. It’s always the same, power corrupts.

I just Googled “centrist” and found it to be quite enlightening. Here is a quote that really resonated for me. “To be a centrist means first being willing to listen, because no one has a monopoly on the truth.” But after reading more, I see both Republicans and Democrats posing as centrists and spouting the same old rhetoric…shame on them! But certainly not unexpected…

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