Monday, January 10, 2005

Social Security

The New York Times > Opinion > For the Record on Social Security

This article, like so many others, is filled with conflicting numbers and weasel words like"or", "may" and "if". It's obvious that someone is lying, and since we're dealing with politicians here...lying is second nature to them. So where is the truth?

I read George Will's column yesterday and he also noted that no one knew the truth about status of Social his advise was to "fix it" anyway. Only the conservative mind could come up with a gem like that!

1 comment:

  1. It isn't only conservatives that have the claim on moronic comments. Socialism Security is in bad shape. I disagree with George Will in respect to fixing something for the sake of fixing it (that's like surgery with a blindfold), that that seems way to progressive and liberal to me. I think it may be the time to put a bullet in this horses head and come up with a better supplemental income plan for seniors (if such a thing is even possible).

    One thing is absolute, we can not trust politicians to look out for our best interest. I'm certainly not counting on Socialism Security for my supplemental retirement income.
