Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What Do We Do Now?

What We Do Now

I was pointed to this website and though I found some of the goals worthwhile, too much of it is the same old same old...

I quit the Democratic Party last year because I felt they had lost touch with their base and after reading this, I see that they still haven't found a way to communicate with the people who are at the heart of their party. Or, at the very least, they haven't found a way to communicate with me.

And speaking of that communication thing...all during the months leading up to the election, I received tons of Democratic election literature, me, the former Democrat. My wife, who remains a Democrat, never received a piece of election mail. Go figure!


  1. I wish I could find a party that was pro-life, pro-constitution without being far right (meaning anti-constitution). Both main parties are so far out of balance. How can one be pro-life but then do everything they can to deny basic needs to the child once it is born? On the other hand how can a party of the common people be okay with the destruction of life so of none less than our very young* (*the english word for the latin "fetus").

    I wish there was an alternative to the GOP. Until the dems give up their demonic platform I can never support their party. For now I am an unhappy Republican fighting within his own party to fight off the radical right. Here is an example of what I am up agianst in my own community.


    Lord have mercy on this man.

    I am pro environment, hey GOP Global Warming is a fact!!
    Pro all the 10 amendments (not just the ones supported by the GOP)
    I am for social spending at home, i.e. affordable education (how the heck are we going to compete in the world market with numb skulls?)
    Health Care reform (why the hell is health care intertwined with employment?)
    I am for the free exercise of religion rather than the exclusion of religion from public life.
    The tenth amendment is just as important to me as the first and second (Hello Bush Administration!!!!)
    I am for responsible spending (Hello again Bush Administration!!!)
    Contemporary Protestant Christianity is not the State Religion of the United States of America.
    Islam is not a great religion (Hello Theologian Bush!)
    I believe in Civil Unions, I don't believe God establishes the sacramental bond between two men or two women in matrimony (gay marraige).
    If we have 350 million for charity why the hell aren't children in rural Georgia getting the food and clothing they need?
    Israel is not an innocent party in Middle East events. Israel is no longer Gods chosen (though they have the right to exist with out fear of attack or genocide).
    I believe in respecting and even loving those that disagree with me 100%
    I am pro-union, pro-worker, anti-corporate ruling class.
    I am for the responsible use of Military for military missions, not nation building or waging peace.
    I love my country but fear my government (regardless of whether there is a (R) or (D) next to the person in charges name.

    You might see why I am at times hated by both the left and right. I really believe partisanship will be the ruin of my nation. Politics and the politcal machine is as dangerous as the industrial military complex and the industrial media complex. Pax Romano was a failure of the Roman Empire, Pax Americana is a failure of the United States. Manifest Destiny is still the popular (yet unrecognised) ideology of many in the US.
    Independence may be a great political ideology but it is fundementally opposed to Christianity. In my opinion America has become the rich young ruler of scripture. Our civil religion has reduced us to the Jews who could not understand the difficult teachings of Jesus and who walked with Him no more.

    Sorry to ramble Steve. It is tough to cope with some of the stupidity I see each day. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

  2. Hmmm? I can agree with a lot of what you said...not all, but quite a bit. Now what did you do with the real Dave?

  3. Oh Steve, if you could see some of the hate mail I get from people in my own party. I guess I'm just one of those New England Liberal Republicans, even though my liberal friends call me a right winger.

    BTW you wife should consider herself lucky if she didn't get any election mail. I had two forest worth of mail.
