Friday, February 4, 2005

More Thoughts About the Mayoral Race

"Attorneys Fred Woocher and Bruce Henderson argued in their challenges -- brought on behalf of five San Diego voters -- that city law should have applied in the case.
San Diego's municipal code states that every write-in vote should be counted.
Woocher said he might appeal Brenner's decision to the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Diego. "

Let's see now...the election was held in the city of San Diego and it was for a position in the city of San Diego. Yes, you would think that the laws of San Diego would apply...But hey, I'm only a citizen. What do I know about the law?

I know that the law is commonly abused and what should happen is that the 5,000 voters who were disenfranchised by Brenner and McPherson should file 5,000 separate lawsuits. Now that is using the law and not abusing it.

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