Tuesday, March 1, 2005


Didja notice the news that Martha was about to be released from the slammer and she has already begun re-inventing herself? And at the same time, we still haven’t heard much about the Enron crowd. Kenneth Lay, or “Kenny Boy” as w likes to call him, is still footloose and fancy free, enjoying the good life. Oh sure, the Lay’s had to sell off a couple of the Aspen houses to make ends meet, but there’s plenty more where those came from…

And speaking of CEO’s…here’s a quote that should be framed and hung on the wall behind the desk of every chief executive officer, just as a reminder that it is their job to know about those things.

"I don't know about technology and I don't know about finance and accounting."BERNARD J. EBBERS, former chief executive of WorldCom, at his trial.

Hey! Honesty is always the best policy...but probably not the smartest defense.

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