Wednesday, March 23, 2005


What an evening…or more properly, an afternoon. A very large and powerful storm cell moved through our neighborhood about 5, bringing with it a mix of wind, rain, hail and lightning. This storm ranked right up there among the top 20 that I have seen, maybe a 17 on the list. And my list includes 2 hurricanes.

The hail was most impressive…and devastating. It just wouldn’t let up and I could see it smashing into the blossoms and bright new leaves. Pretty soon the leaves were being cut off and the blossoms stripped from the trees. The grape leaves seemed most vulnerable and there are tattered green shreds under the vines now. The apple trees were especially beautiful before the storm, a riot of pink and white blossoms. Now…about half of the blossoms are remaining. I didn’t want to go out into the orchard tonight and see what else has been damaged; I will leave that for tomorrow.

All is quiet now and there is a full moon shining on the wet leaves…I have to remember that I didn’t need this crop to survive, but some of my neighbors make their living off of the orchards. I can imagine how they feel…

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