Saturday, April 23, 2005

Wally's World

I spotted this news bit in the Chico News & Review...

Representative Wally Herger, R-Chico writes in a letter to the chairman of the House Committee on Resources. "Northern Californians are being held hostage at the gas pump." The administration, he says, "has demonstrated a complete and total lack of leadership in preventing this problem. It is a clear failure of domestic and foreign policy." Has Wally lost his mind? No, he wrote this letter in March of 2000. Bill Clinton was the president and gasoline prices were approaching $1.75 a gallon.

We haven't heard a word out of you concerning the current got your tongue?

Oh, silly goose!

(Sorry about the animal animals were harmed in the writing of this post)

1 comment:

  1. See that's the problem, it's not typical Republican hypocrisy, it's typical political hypocrisy. I was watching Hotel Rawanda thinking about how screwed up the world and all her politicians are. God save us from them.
