Saturday, November 12, 2005

Falling Leaves

Fall is truly here…and so are the leaves. I just finished raking and blowing all of the maple leaves off of the front lawns and driveway. I piled the last of them on top of the heap and turned to savor the vision of a job well done. The maple leaves had covered the lawn once again and the green was quickly disappearing beneath a sea of yellow leaves. OK, I will do it again tomorrow.

So I decided to do something a little more constructive and fruitful with my time…I picked a basket full of seedless mandarin oranges. They are just now turning ripe and they are delicious! And I picked a bucket full of pomegranates as well. Those I had to soak in water to make the earwigs vacate before bringing them in the house. There are still some pecans in the trees, but the crows have spotted the higher ones and are stealing them; dropping them on the road out in front to crack them open. Smart crows!

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