Monday, January 30, 2006

Judgment day arrives

for Enron chiefs
Four years later! It's hard to believe that it could take this long...I have to ask; why? It only took a few months to get Martha into the slammer. Could it be that Lay and Skilling have friends in high places? Not that they're guilty, of course. It will take a jury to decide that.


  1. This is one of those rare instances I am pro death penalty. I am saddend that the religious right choose to ignore this scandal.

  2. Agreed...except for the death penalty. If convicted, they should spend the rest of their lives waking up and seeing the same small room, gray, bars. And reflecting on yesterday and tomorrow...and how it came to be this way.

  3. Okay, no death penalty, just them being traded for a pack of smokes and a Mountain Dew.
