Sunday, January 29, 2006


Sunday has arrived and it looks like a stormy week ahead of us. The rain has stopped for a little bit and won’t begin again till tomorrow. And then the forecast calls for rain throughout the week. It looks like I’m going to have to begin my marathon training on Monday while wearing rain gear…but train I must. A very wet winter!

Last night we were enjoying a house filled with laughter as children and grandchildren (14 of us!) gathered to have dinner with “Aunt Kitty” and “Uncle Dean”. But, all is quiet in the house this morning. Later this morning, we will take Kitty and Dean on another short tour of the Chico area before we drive down to the Sacramento Airport, where they will board a plane and head home to Phoenix. (Where it’s drier!)

Last night, someone asked if I thought about my audience when I’m posting these thoughts to my blogs. Who was I writing for? I had to think about that for only a second and I replied that I write as if I were holding an actual  conversation with friends while seated in my living room; commenting on current events and things that interest me and that might interest the other party. I don’t write for a specific audience. And after more thought on the subject, I would have to say that I write mainly for myself. I need to give my thoughts a voice and a blog works. It doesn’t really matter whether or not someone is listening. That’s one of the reasons for my keeping a Journal as well.

That gives me an idea; I could start posting to my blog by using the format of writing a letter to an imaginary friend. That’s an old and accepted literary practice…But first I need to come up with a fictional persona.


  1. Well no matter who you write for or for what reason I sure enjoy it. I enjoy yours so much more because your ideology is in some ways so similar and in others ways universes apart.

    Keep Blogging! I hope to roll out a new blog or revamp my current blog. I want to start some theological postings from a Joe six pack perspective, some book reviews perhaps.

    Politics gets real old. It seems to be the same BS different day.

  2. Good for you! I'm looking forward to reading it...

    I know the feeling about the politics...but hey, you have an opinion...state it!

    And thanks for the kind words...
