Friday, April 7, 2006

Just put it on my Visa

"As Congress debates immigration reforms, some experts say the most extreme proposal — deporting millions of illegal immigrants — would be a huge legal and logistical morass, and ruinously expensive, too."

When has the cost (or legality) of anything ever stopped us from doing what is "Right"? Let's do it! Jail and deportation for all! We need to do it because it's the "Right" thing to do!


  1. Well heck, California waste money on keeping a domestic animal illegal. Actually to keep them illegal the state claimed they were not domestic but wild, that in the face of science. Money and influence will decide the immigration issue. I for one do not advocate a "guest worker" program which loosely translates into sharecropping.

  2. You're right...but with very little "sharing".
