Tuesday, July 25, 2006

History 101 Revisited

“The US should grant preference for visas to those willing to serve in the military.”

Yes, that’s exactly what the Romans used to do…

Anyone see the Roman Empire lately?


  1. I see it on the back of my dime.....

    I believe 110% that America will take the path of Rome. Our system in great part is taken from the Greco-Roman model. e have become a far to decadent, liberal society. We want sex without cnsequences, we want wealth but don't want to work for it, now we want other's to fight our wars. Down with Pax Americana!

  2. Interesting...how people will string words together "decadent, liberal society". I guess you could call it literary or grammatical demonization. There is no truth to it, but just saying it seems to give it some validity. Liberal, by definition, is far from decadent.

  3. Fact, the world has become decadent. Look at Haliburton....
    Society is far, far more liberal today than say 200 years ago. To be decadent does not equal liberal, nor does being liberal equate with being decadent. At this time in history we live in a decadent, liberal society. You are projecting your bias and meanings into my words. I would have given you a clearer explanation had you asked Steve. This isn't a you v. I argument with the goal being the winner. I enjoy throwing out ideas with people who have a passion for what they believe.

  4. When talking about realty, the key words are location, location, location. When the subject is reality, it is perception, perception, perception.

    And my perception is that we live in a highly conservative society. In fact, the whole world is far more conservative than it once was.

    And what I'm trying to make clear to you is the fact that decadence has nothing to do with liberal or conservative ideas. It has everything to do with morality and neither side has a monopoly on that. Or on the lack of it.

  5. But I think your perception is clouded by your 60's bias. The world in say Africa is more conservative but in America or Europe we are much less so. JFK would be considered a repulbican by today's standards. The lack of morality is focused on the progressive idea of relative truth and the lack of absolutes.

    What we (conservatives and liberals alike) are facing is the same evil faced since the fall, greed, pride, envy, etc, etc. It is our vanity that leads us to believe that political party "A" has all the answers while political party "B" is the enemy. I used to take politics very seriously now I take my faith more seriously and politics is somewhat of a hobby. I love my country but I am a citizen of God's kingdom first Perhaps that is a bi-product of my study of a Monk by the name of Luther. America as I see it today is a battle between Calvin'sGeneva and Satan's Sodom.
