Monday, October 16, 2006


What’s new? It’s a brand new week and that means I have to get out and get some running time in before it warms up. But, wait…it’s cool today; even cloudy with a chance of rain. I can go running any time at all.

And run I must. I just read an article about the dreaded “Homer Simpson” effect caused from being overweight. According to French scientists, (France – home of the cream puff) as your BMI (Body Mass Index) goes up…your IQ goes down. Now if someone would just post a copy of the article at the entrance to Costco, I could have a great shopping experience there. The aisles would be clear and the checkout would be a breeze. But what would be in my shopping cart? My own body calls out for Cheetos! Lots of Cheetos! Now if that isn’t a Homer Simpson snack, I don’t know what is. So, yes I have to run.

My own BMI? Well, at 74” and 195 pounds… it’s 25.0 and that is bad. Here are the ranges.

BMI Categories:
  • Underweight = <18.5

  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

  • Overweight = 25-29.9

  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    As you can see, I’m right on the edge. No wonder I can hear the Cheetos and ice cream calling out to me. If I want to silence those voices, I need to get down to 190 pounds. Or convert some fat pounds to muscle pounds.

I just ran across a new blog, and a pretty thoughtful one at that. The Watchdog Blog: Questions the Press Should Ask. It’s going into my Favorites! And from that site, here’s a blog that caught my attention.

And to end the subject; here’s something about the authors of this blog. None of them are familiar names that leap out as being “famous”, yet I seem to remember a few of them; vaguely. And that’s the way it should be. “Famous” people seem to think they have an obligation to say something even when they have nothing to contribute.


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM BMI is 23.9...and I don't "exercise regularly" and YOU do??? It really must be the Cheetos???

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM my BMI is 23.9...and I haven't done any "regular exercise" in at least 6 weeks...BUT I don't eat Cheetos...must be the Cheetos??? are nowhere near Overweight...Hello...who is in charge of these numbers??? And what do they really mean???

  3. My own BMI says that I am overweight, and while I am not the tiniest of individuals, I feel that this might not be so accurate. The BMI index does not account for muscle mass, most body builders have a BMI that reflects gross obesity. You should get your body fat ratio taken, Josh just learned how to use the calibers in one of his classes, but any gym usually has the program.
