Thursday, October 19, 2006

A good read?

I said that I needed a new book to read and as I was reading the daily post from the New Dharma Bums, I saw this one… Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It. After reading the reviews, I already know that I will like the book, but won’t it simply frustrate me? And how much frustration is healthy? I’m a member; I have a membership in the ACLU, but even these worthy groups get to me when they seem to focus on an agenda and not on the people. OK, I know what I want; to live in a society where I won’t be drawn to books like that and where authors won’t feel a need to write them.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I don't think you will be a member after you Google on "" and "anti-Semitism", "racism," or "hate speech." You won't like what you see. Needless to say, MoveOn's leadership doesn't want you to know about this.

    MoveOn stands for NOTHING that any mainstream Democrat would recognize as his or her party. And I am speaking as someone who plans to vote for some Democrats this November.

  2. And if I did Google all of those topics, which part of them should I believe? All of them? Some of them? Or just a select few? Conspiracy theory?

    Since I'm far from being a mainstream Democrat, I have no problem with MoveOn's claims to represent them.
