Friday, December 22, 2006

Chances Are

chance of rain…followed by a chance of rain. That seems to be the forecast for the next 3 or 4 days, including Christmas day.

My cold seems to be better this morning. I think it’s the diet of mandarin oranges and hot soup that keeps me healthy enough to shake off a simple cold.

I started a new book, American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips. A great read so far. The fact that he (Phillips) was a major figure in the Republican Party makes his words, and his logic, that much more persuasive. The commentary available on the website is very informative as well. (Shannon should read this…)

As I have said before, living in Orland is like living in a small “Red State” and so his comments about the evolution of the Heartland to the Red State were right on and very familiar to me. Orland has the distinction? of having at one time the most churches per number of citizens, a dubious record. And one that made me pause; as I had been in the South (the Heartland) many times and had seen many small towns with churches from one end of town to the other. I always thought it a southern phenomenon.

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