Thursday, December 21, 2006


Bah! From out of the blue, a cold has struck me. No warning at all…suddenly I was sneezing and running for the Kleenex box. I’m taking antihistamines now to combat the drippy nose but those pills give me a very “spacey” feeling.

The weather has changed from cold to OK. The change in temperature means that rain is in the forecast and we should see a drop or two by this afternoon. In popularity, rain always trumps cold and I like the fact that I won’t have to feed the fire as often. (What’s that noise?... it’s already raining.)

I’m using the new version of Blogger, which took almost 6 hours to convert my blogs to the new format. That was scary! I was wondering if I would ever see my blogs again. (Memo to self…get a life! It wouldn’t be the end of the world.) Everything still looks the same as I haven’t decided on a new “look” for any of them. Overall, it seems to be working better than the old version and it won’t require a lengthy learning process for me to use all of the new features.

News from World War III…
U.S. soldiers in Iraq urge Gates to send more troops
Reuters: Top News
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. soldiers in Iraq urged their new boss on Thursday to send reinforcements, after their generals told Defense Secretary Robert Gates they were concerned a surge might delay the time when Iraqis take control.

I would say the same thing if I were in their shoes. Change the odds!

And then I was reading about the situation on the Turkey/Iraq border. With Turkey hinting at invasion and the Kurds ready to repel them, it doesn’t look like diplomacy has much of a chance. Turkey feels snubbed by the EU and the average Turk dislikes the US, intensely! Yet we need Turkey because of the airbases that we use for striking Iraq. The Kurds, who control northern Iraq, want autonomy while the rest of Iraq would like to see them dead. Yet we must support the Kurds because they control the only part of Iraq where peace reigns; for now. The story indicated that spring would probably bring a Turkish invasion.

Life…and death, becomes complicated when meddling in the affairs of others and playing favorites.

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