Saturday, January 20, 2007

How Much?

The Presidential race for 2008 is in full swing now and the contestants are being paraded out for inspection. If successful, a contestant will receive about $100 million or more from their party and an undisclosed amount from special interests; all to wage a campaign against their chosen rival. That rival will be similarly equipped with cash and the outcome will depend on how wisely or furiously the money is spent. It will all be spent of course… Doesn’t it make sense that we would elect our president this way? The one that spends the most will win. And then we will anoint him (or her) with non-existent special properties, such as “Wisdom” and “Courage”.

And this morning I read that (unconfirmed) Senator Obama is a smoker. Is he? If so, I couldn’t vote for him. In fact, that little story has already changed the way I view him. If true; how much money will it take to change my perception of him as a drug addict? $1 million? $10 million?

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