Friday, May 25, 2007


Clear skies and just a mild breeze to touch the tops of the tallest trees. There is a very large oak on the north east corner of the property and it dominates the view from our study window. I use it to determine wind speed and direction, as the uppermost branches will sway in the lightest of breezes. Yesterday, I added to the view by planting honeysuckle and potato vine along the fence to the north of us. Someday I will be able to look out the study window and see those vines covering the fence and blocking the view of the weeds on the property next door. And on a warm night I will be able to open the window and smell the fragrance of the honeysuckle.

Today is the day that the pool will officially open for business; just as soon as the final filling takes place. I want to talk to the pool installer and see if there isn’t a better way to keep the pool clean other than by using chlorine. It’s the chlorine that slowly destroys the liner and I would love to keep the liner longer than the 15 years that seems to be the average.

In the news, I spotted this from BoingBoing. It had some news from Guatemala and I have an interest in this country. And I do enjoy BoingBoing. Lots of good commentary every day.

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