Friday, June 22, 2007

Sleep; perchance to dream...

Somni-, somno-, somn-, -somnia, -somniac; all Latin and related to sleep. Also, something I’m quite good at doing. Sleeplessness is certainly not a problem for me; I love to sleep! In fact, I do it 2 or 3 times a day.

The nap is now one of my favorite things to do. As a young American, I was taught that napping was a foreign vice; indulgent and just plain wrong! But I know better now. It’s a delightful way to spend an hour or so in the afternoon.

I think it was the Navy that taught me how to sleep. While I was in ‘boot camp’, sleep was a precious commodity and you grabbed it whenever you could. I do remember sleeping while standing up braced against a pole to avoid the embarrassment of falling. And working a graveyard shift at the Naval Hospital made sleeping during the day a necessity, not a luxury.

The longest day of the year is over and gone; we’re heading towards winter now, each day a little bit shorter. Darn! Maybe we should think about a move to Hawaii, a whole lot closer to the Equator. Each day created equal (Latin – equa, equator, equal?) and with more time for naps!

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