Monday, December 24, 2007

The Plain! The Plain!

I feel like I need to bake something today. Cookies are the obvious choice. I have all the ingredients handy, I just need to get busy and do it. I really liked the oatmeal cookies that Kitty sent, but I’m missing the recipe for that one. (Hint, hint)

I was reading Time Goes By this morning and read of the disaster that befell the author as her computer crashed and died. Which makes one think…or it should. But, it will never happen to me. Lalalalalalalalalala

Anyway, she mentions that she will buy a Mac…someday. As I will. The problem as I see it is that I would have to have two computers for awhile; a pc and a Mac. Going cold into the Mac world just wouldn’t fly. I would need the security of the ‘familiar’ close by while I explored the unknown.

I didn’t use to be this way. I loved the challenge of the new and unexplored. I welcomed each new computer I was given to try out. (2 or 3 every year) I read all of the computer magazines and didn’t get on a plane without two or more new issues stuffed in my laptop case.

This reminds me that if you’re looking for a good computer magazine, I think I have found it in Smart Computing magazine. As it states on their masthead, ‘In Plain English’. I like that now.

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