Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mood Music

I’m in a Hawai’ian mood. I filled my Clip with Polynesian music the other day and have been listening whenever I get a chance. I never thought much about that kind of music until I was sent to Hawai’i and then I quickly became fascinated by the culture, the music and the artists.

Every morning and evening, as I slowly made my way back and forth between hotel and office on the Nimitz highway, I would have the car radio tuned to a local station that played nothing but Hawai’ian music. I could ignore the traffic jam all around me and focus on the music, the palm trees and the white puffy clouds that sailed by on the trade winds, high above the stalled traffic. Ah! Paradise!

But paradise has a troubled history and because of that I have always been an advocate of a ‘free’ Hawai’i; long before I visited the islands. I know it’s just one small inequity in a very troubled world, but it would be the right thing to do. Give Hawai’i back to the Hawaiians.

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