Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Difference

I noticed that once again my writing style has degraded to a ‘stream of consciousness’. I think it and I write it. It’s all part of the INFP Type. We (INFP’s) really can write well, but not when we are emotionally involved in a subject. The same thing happens when we speak about subjects that are near and dear to us. The words won’t come and we flounder.

Yes, we are all different. This brings up the subject of ‘Home Schooling’. I was listening to a story on this yesterday and a teacher brought up her experiences with home schooled children and they weren’t good. 3rd graders that didn’t know their ABC’s, etc. As she noted, children are all different and learn in different ways. And not all parents make good home school teachers. The same applies to credentialed teachers; not all are good ones. So why do we expect all home schooling parents to be different? What’s important here are the children. And if we don’t make the parents’ accountable, we have failed the children. If we are willing to demand that schools get rid of poor teachers, we need to be willing to do the same to the parents that are obviously unfit to teach their children. Parents who home school because their friends do it. Or because it’s easier than having to deal with a nagging school district.

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