Sunday, March 23, 2008

How Many?

How are you supposed to MAKE coffee when you NEED coffee? How am I supposed to count the number of scoops when I’m still asleep? Was that #6 or was it #7?

I was sound asleep and dreaming a little while ago, and then it was all over. Poof! Just like that. Now I’m making coffee and trying to reassure the cat that we still love her and that no danger lurks in the bedroom where the twins are sleeping. Other than the twins themselves.

Odd dreams. I was an active Obama supporter. Very active. And the senator was present in my dream, while we were being attacked by a large crowd, verbally. Violence was threatened. The attackers were unknown and faceless. Of course it was all very convoluted as dreams often are and its memory is already evaporating, even as I try to recall the twists and turns of its ‘plot’. Maybe another round tonight?

Although I am currently a mild Obama supporter, my level of interest in his candidacy went up with the endorsement of Bill Richardson, my former favorite candidate. But…I’m almost afraid to declare any candidate my favorite for fear that will signal their doom. Like most INFP’s, I’m trying to avoid confrontations or situations that require that I favor one over another. But there is a caveat with that; “The face you show to the world is a perceptive one, and you'll show your judging characteristic only if someone should trespass on your feelings by challenging you—or someone or something that you really value. At that time, your perceptive openness and flexibility and adaptability cease. Then, you become immovable.”

It may be that my memory is failing, but I don’t remember political campaigns as being hate filled, as they are so often today. I’m probably wrong. And if they weren’t, I’m sure it wasn’t for a lack of trying. I think that our current communications technology allows for a greater level of hatred and manipulation. 30 seconds on YouTube can mean the end of a candidate. And the rising of another. No one bothers to verify the truth behind any video or audio clip. Photoshop. Hit and run.

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