Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ouch Redux!

I hate to do it, but I’m going to have to curtail the exercise routines for at least two weeks. It’s obvious that I can’t be trusted alone in the park. Yesterday, I had planned a slow walk as a way of easing the symptoms of both the Piriformis Syndrome, and the Plantar Fasciitis that have been plaguing me lately, but competition tempted me; I fell for it and racewalked a 12 minute mile and now I’m paying for it.


  1. Have you seen a doctor about these problems?

  2. Actually, the doctor is the cause for all of this pain! He wanted to see me in April to make certain my cholesterol levels were going down. That requires exercise. Exercise caused the pains! I should charge him. But I will be seeing him April 8th and I think he will confirm my diagnosis.
