Monday, March 24, 2008

Truth and Fiction

Life is good. It must be my mantra today. Otherwise I would go crazy after reading the headlines. 4 more soldiers killed in Iraq and 60 more civilians. That makes the total about 4,000 and a million, respectively, but who’s counting? Every day brings us closer to ‘winning’.

And I’m still reading The $3 Billion Dollar War. Could that be a prescription for depression? The facts and the numbers are sometimes overwhelming and I have to put the book down and read some light fiction instead.

And now, after reading Time Goes By, I’m wondering why in the world we don’t have a House Committee on Aging? Of course, how would we know that the committee had been dissolved? Its demise wouldn’t have made the 6 o’clock news. Or the front page of a newspaper. When did it happen?

I certainly remember Claude Pepper and remember being sad at his passing. I was only 49 at the time and elderhood wasn’t something I thought about a lot. I admired Pepper more for his willingness to fight against the established forces in Washington. Apparently, no one replaced him? Well, we need someone and soon.

A new post on my Working blog...

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