Monday, November 3, 2008


This is it. The last full day of the campaign before we elect a new president. Remember that candidate from some years ago? The one that said that he came to unite us and not to divide us? The 'Compassionate Conservative'? Well, he is the reason that we are so bitterly divided today; he and the party that he represents. And today we will probably see every dirty trick that Karl Rove can find in his 'little closet of horrors'.

Hopefully, it will all end on Wednesday morning and the American people can begin to recover from the past eight years. But I know that the party of 'hate' won't stop unless the vote is decisive in its numbers. They will seize on anything to contest the results, just as they did in 2000. And with a Supreme Court that holds allegiance to the Republicans and not to the law, anything can happen.

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