Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What’s that noise?

What's going on? The early morning quiet has been disturbed twice now by the sound of an airplane, low and loud. Although the local airport, Haig Field, is only a mile away, we rarely hear any planes. Besides, the field probably doesn't get more than half a dozen flights a day and we're talking about single engine private aircraft. And…it's dark outside and it sounds like a plane making an approach to land. (I guess you know you live in a small town when you can waste 74 words on the airplane you just heard. But…what is he doing?)


  1. Bush and his cronies have come to get ya!

  2. Well, if they have, they don't seem to know where the airport is...I just heard a third pass over the house!

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Uh...you live in ag country...

  4. actually...I live on the Planet Orland which is located in the Galaxy of Glenn. A parallel universe!
