Sunday, April 4, 2010

The recipe

Maple-Glazed Ham

Serves 16 to 20

For easy carving, look for a shank-end spiral-sliced ham. This recipe requires a large oven bag.


(7- to 10-pound) spiral-sliced, bone-in ham  (see note)


(12-ounce) jar apple jelly 


cup packed dark brown sugar 


cup maple syrup 


tablespoons whole-grain mustard 


cinnamon stick , broken into rough pieces


teaspoon ground nutmeg 


tablespoons unsalted butter 


teaspoon dry mustard 

1. PREPARE HAM Remove ham from packaging and discard plastic disk covering bone. Place ham in oven bag. Tie closed and cut 4 (2-inch) slits in top of bag. Transfer bagged ham to large roasting pan and let stand at room temperature for 1 1/2 hours.

2. BAKE HAM Adjust oven rack to lowest position and heat oven to 300 degrees. Bake ham until internal temperature registers 100 degrees, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours.

3. MAKE GLAZE Meanwhile, bring apple jelly, 1/2 cup brown sugar, syrup, mustard, cinnamon and nutmeg to boil in saucepan. Reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring often, until mixture is very thick and reduced to 1/2 cup, about 45 minutes. Remove cinnamon pieces. Off heat, whisk in butter.

4. FINISH AND GLAZE Combine remaining brown sugar and dry mustard in small bowl. Remove ham from oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Increase oven temperature to 400 degrees. Cut open oven bag and roll back. Using a pastry brush, paint ham with glaze. Carefully press sugar mixture onto exterior of ham with hands. Return to oven and bake until dark brown and caramelized, about 20 minutes. Transfer ham to cutting board, loosely tent with foil, and let rest 15 minutes. Following step-by-step, carve ham. Serve.

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