Monday, May 3, 2010

Poizner and Whitman

Or dumb and dumber. Or vice versa.

It was the 'hot button' debate as each tried their best to address each of those things that keep Republicans from appearing to have any brains.
Science doesn't know anything about Global Warming. Check. Arizona is and isn't on the right track regarding immigration. Check. Yes, we love the Tea Party! Check. Yes, we hate Arnold. Check.
The only thing worth mentioning was the fact that Meg supports higher pay for teachers. But she thinks schools should be graded A to F. Doesn't say what she will do to help those in an F school. Kick them out and close the doors? It was all pretty much as expected. There's nothing less interesting than watching a couple of Republicans try to show you how they are different while telling you that they will toe the Republican line. What happened to candidates that promised to 'think' once they were in office and not be Party robots? They're dinosaurs.

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