Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Dark Side

Yes, I have gone to the Dark Side; I now own an Apple computer. A MacBook Pro with all the latest in technology. No noisy hard drive and fan, just a silent flash drive that is lightning fast. I still have the old pc standing by while I make the transition to the Apple way of thinking. This may take some time as Apple logic is like no other logic. For instance; there is no Home key and no End key on the keyboard. And the scrolling is exactly the reverse of what you might think is correct.

But enough of that, there was a reason for my dismissal of all things pc. Since I had been involved with computers from ages ago, I had started out writing batch files for my pc using MS-DOS. Now it was time to start over as a way of making sure my brain was being stretched once again. And it's happening. Right now.

Here are are, in California, at the end of January and it looks as if our winter is over. The snow pack is minimal and it will be gone by the first of March unless some miracle happens. The desert is reclaiming California.

I can take a moment here to boast a little as I am proud of myself for losing 41 pounds so far. I still have 5 to 10 pounds to go as I want to get into the sub 200 range. And...I entered a local 5K walk. This is a 5K that I won three years in a row before my back surgeries. I probably won't be able to use the race walking stride that I used back then; the hip motion is limited these days because of the fusion. Still, I have been training at the gym 3 days a week and i'm up to 2 miles at a 15 minute/mile pace on an incline. That ought to be good enough so that I won't be embarrassed at the finish line. In fact, I would like to add the 4th trophy to my collection.

Next month we will be flying to Arizona to visit my sister. That will be a good break for us. The weather here is gloomy and it's cold and foggy...but not wet. Sigh. So a trip to the state where the sun is always shining will be fun for us; except for the flying, of course. We were able to get some 1/2 price tickets and that will help us to forgive the cramped seating and long lines.

To close...I've been typing here for over half an hour with the laptop sitting on my lap (duh! it's a laptop) and the bottom of the computer isn't even warm, Okay, it's warm; the same temp as my lap and no more......

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