Monday, October 11, 2004

Just a little thing

Despite our best intentions, it’s sometimes the little things that do us` in. Take for instance the interview I listened to today on NPR. (Yes, that conservative station…) The interviewee? was explaining that once you’re out of the Green Zone in Baghdad, the traffic is out of control. Speeders abound and accidents happen occur constantly. Traffic anarchy was his description of the motorized chaos. Someone, in the powers that be, thought to fix this situation by giving the Iraqi’s a new vehicle code. He gave them Maryland’s. It seems that the police took one look at the new vehicle code and threw up their hands. All enforcement attempts disappeared. And one of the tools that Iraq’s police force has used for years has been outlawed now. The acceptance of bribes. It seems that we don’t approve of this time honored method of dealing out justice in the Middle East. Tell me again how we are going to make democracy work…

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