Friday, October 22, 2004

More newspaper stuff

Todays newspaper also had another dose of reality for the right wing conservatives to chew on. It seems that the people of Iraq want a theocracy and not a democracy. No kidding! The US selected government of Allawi is behind in all of the polls now. Who would have guessed?

One more bit of reality to ponder. A column written by Leonard Pitts Jr. (Miami Herald) had this to say…”Pat Robertson tried to give President Bush some advise about the coming invasion of Iraq…he told CNN on Wednesday that he advised Bush to prepare the nation for the likelihood of casualties. Bush’s reply? “we're not going to have any casualties” That was 9,100 – dead and wounded – American casualties later.”

Here is a link to that column (Detroit Free Press)


  1. Steve you really need to quit believing everything you read in the newspaper.

    If I can I would also like to address the comments about the "world" not caring for Bush. I love you brother, but, hold your ears. SO WHAT!

  2. Brother...which part of which newspaper should I believe? I read about 4 a day. And I read 3 to 4 news magazines a week. So I'm not making up much of this stuff. And as far as "who cares" - I do.
