Monday, December 20, 2004

A Christmas Flap

Christmas Flap by Charley Reese

I like a lot of what he says here...As a Christian, it is up to me to decide to be offended by the secularists. I can also choose not to be. My personal thoughts on this are...Leave this holiday to the secular world. It has always belonged to them. Let us celebrate the birth of Christ every day, as we should.


  1. Like we should is right but largely we don't.

    The Feast Day of the Nativity of Christ is just that, a day of celebration. Screw the world in this instance. Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him! Sure the secularist have morphed this feast day into something less than a Christian Celebration but then look at what contemporary protestant Chritstianity (especially the reformed) have done. The Church from it's inseption celebrated the feast day's of martyrs, saints, events, etc. Calvin and his follwers decided to remove all of them except the Feast of the Nativity and Easter.

    In Orthodox Christianity a day never goes by without a celebration of what God has done in his church, through his saints, etc. We venerate the memory of the departed who's lives were transformed thorugh Christ. We celebrate the men, women and children martryed in the Boxer Rebellion, we celebrate the faith given to men that they would die for it in a Roman arena.

    These Holy Days do not and never have belonged to the World. They are God's alone and we blessed to be part of them.

    This is the day the LORD has made! Let us Rejoice and be glad in it!

  2. That's an interesting question. By using a capital "O" I mean the group of Christians that is smaller than Roman Catholicism and a tad larger than the collection of all the protestant denominations.

    I should note that amongst the original evangelicals, i.e. Lutherans, the feast days are still there just largely no longer celebratated except say for the added Reformation day as well as Easter and Christmas.

    That was an interesting article by the way.

    I also think you are correct in spirit. Why do we Christians get is such a hissy over this stuff. It seems like a lack of faith to me. Like some how God can be defeated by the powers of this world.
