Sunday, January 16, 2005

An earlier thought

I wrote this 4 years ago and found it again this morning...

This is the first entry for the New Year, 2001. Doesn’t that look neat “01/01/01”? I probably should have stayed up for the first second and first minute so that I could write “01/01/01/01/01”.

And what did we do last night? We went to bed at 11, as there wasn’t much reason to stay up any longer than that. It was, quite obviously, an eventful year, but isn’t every year? Presidents and personalities come and go and the world continues on without a pause.

The only thing that is important, really important, is our relationships. The Socratic revelation that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” is true for me. I know that there are those who don’t want to know anymore than necessary. They are quite content with the “Status Quo” and do not seek out any enlightenment. But, I need to know more, more about why I am here and what is my purpose? I know that my creator, my God, Jehovah, made this world that we exist in. Didn’t it happen by chance? I subscribe to the Watchmaker logic for creation. A watch, that complex assortment of wheels and gears, doesn’t exist on its own, it was made. A watchmaker labored to put it all together. It’s (the watch’s or the world’s) existence points inexorably to the watchmaker. You can’t have a watch without a maker. I suppose that’s simplistic for some who consider themselves to be the center of the universe, their own universe. But I see that “one person=one universe” as devaluing, as a cheapening of their lives. My life is worth so much more. So much so, that God gave up Himself and became like me, human, just to give me value. If you are the ruler of your own universe, who loves you? I would hate to depend on myself for validation.

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