Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tuesday revisited

Earlier this week (Tuesday...yesterday, whatever!) I had written about the trust issue that Californians have with their government…Well, after rereading that article a few times, I have a slightly different viewpoint. I don’t feel better. And that’s because the legislators and the governor still don’t “get it”. Yes, there is a “disconnect” and it is up to those who govern to remove it. That is why they are elected. They are supposed to communicate with us and invite our opinions. That is part of their job. When was the last time that you were asked for an opinion by your elected representative?

Every time I think about this, I am reminded of a time when I was taking a late afternoon flight out of Sacramento. In the waiting area was a large group of “public servants” and because they were in a group, they forgot that they were surrounded by ordinary citizens and they began to talk quite loudly. Their comments in regards to their constituents were quite revealing and probably effected how I feel about elected officials.

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