Saturday, March 26, 2005

Morning sky

The time is 5:40 and the sky is already a lovely shade of blue-gray, with bands of thin and dark clouds across it. And just below the clouds, and right above the horizon, the sky is turning orange as the sun illumines the underside of those clouds. (Red sky in the morning; sailors take warning!) This view includes a huge tree that sits in the northeast corner of the orchard. This tree has to be 90’ high. I suppose I could find the accurate measurement by searching the internet for the method used by foresters. I remember reading about it some years ago, but I have forgotten the details. 90’ or 110’, it’s a lovely sight as it’s silhouetted against the dark sky.

Also included in my view are the grape arbors and my new olive tree. All are doing well. Despite the damage from the hail, the grape leaves are prolific and a lovely shade of green.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    How awesome it that to be able to look out and see the horizon take a deep breath and know you are in a place you want to be?? Some people are just not as fortunate. They have the beautiful sunrise, the glorious air, the love of the family,(or so it seems!) but are saddled with the thoughts of wishing they were someplace else!!!
