Wednesday, March 16, 2005


The weather is a changing…once again it is chilly (as it should be) and rain is forecast for the weekend. As you can see, I managed to snap a few close-up shots of the orchard and you can see the promise of a good harvest. Unless…

Yes, there are lots of perils to face before the fruit is harvested and the biggest perils are the birds. The first fruit to attract them are cherries and I have two of those trees. I am already shopping on the internet for the latest in anti-bird technology; maybe something a little better than an obviously fake owl.

Also…Today I planted two Manzanillo olive trees in a spot where I can sit in my study and watch them as they grow. I have always loved the rugged beauty of the olive tree and I want to cure my own olives one of these years. All I need now is patience.

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