Monday, June 27, 2005


We have been attending church recently at the Orland Federated church...Federated is a denomination within two denominations. Back in the very early years of California, the Methodists and the Presbyterians agreed to limit their church plantings by not going head to head in a fight for congregants and so they split up the small towns between them. If a Presbyterian church was already in a town, then the Methodists would move on to a town without a church. The Presbyterians would do the same. If you travel the old towns of the west you will rarely see a Presbyterian and Methodist church in the same town. Later, in a move to save costs, the two denominations agreed to support a church (Federated) in more of the small towns under their combined guidance. So Orland has no Methodist church and no Presbyterian church...and has a Federated church instead. And so far, we like it...

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