Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The End of An Age

It's Tuesday, the 30th of the month and the last day that I will be 64. Oddly enough, I, who never pay much attention to birthdays, see this one as far more important than those in the past. For one, it marks me as an adult. That’s right; tomorrow I will no longer be a child. And that means that I will be able to do childish things without fear of repercussions. Secondly, I will be an “official” senior citizen, not worried about whether or not the proper age for some discount is 60, 62 or 65. And last…but most important; I will be forgiven any lapses of memory. “I know he forgot your anniversary, dear, but – he’s older now. And those things happen.”


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    There are 31 days in August, so you will not be 65 for another 2 days.

  2. Oh no! I lost my memory earlier than I expected...now what were you saying?

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    going to be an adult...well...that is fine...just don't grow up! You are supposed to be setting an example you know...
