Tuesday, January 3, 2006

The Bill is Due

I noticed that once again, the government has put a price tag on the latest series of storms to hit California. ($57 million) These dollar figures make the morning headlines a little more interesting, but do they represent reality? Why isn’t it $56,789,034? It seems as if we enjoy putting those dollar figures on everything; we even know how much it costs per minute to be stuck in traffic. We can quantify the cost of disaster or inefficiencies for just about everything. Except for some interesting possibilities…what does it cost us per minute for the legislators (State and federal) to grandstand and not do our business? A president?

I was watching the PBS special on Reagan last night and I found the story to be fair, though not as balanced as I thought it should be. Not enough time was given over to the story of how he wrecked a nation’s economy with his strange fiscal ideas. And not enough time was spent on his illegal dealings with the Contras and the giving of weapons to Iran. Those items alone should have brought his presidency down, but he was one of our Teflon presidents and all he had to do was to claim that he didn’t remember…and the public believed it. And what did his presidency cost us?


  1. Wrecked our economy, yes that is what socialist believe. The same socialist that believe that believe their ideaology can work if only the right people are ruling.

    Reagan brought about the boom of the 90's. Was everything peaches and cream? No. Did he defeat the Soviet Union? Yes (another thing that makes the leftist upset). I always get a kick out of listening to the left in this country attack Reagan. The left that got wealthy because of his policies, were proteted by the military he created, etc. Then I listen to the Eastern Europeans that don't have a pot to piss in talking about Reagan as a great liberator.

    My oh my, it is interesting how people can see things so differently.

    The public believed it? Come on Steve, the public in large part agreed with it, don't fool yourself. We are talking about the Cold War, except for the left America wanted Communism dead.

    Why should his presidency have gone down any way, given the theory that morality can't be legislated.

  2. As one who lived through the years both before and after Reagan...I certainly do have a more balanced opinion of the man. The fact that the "the public in large part agreed with it" is a reminder that P.T Barnum was correct. And still is...
