Sunday, January 1, 2006


Perhaps I should include a comment or two on what I think will happen in the year ahead of us. Then, next year at this time, I can see how inaccurate I was. Most newspapers include a feature like this every year and there’s no reason why I shouldn’t do the same.

  1. Gasoline will rise to close to $4 a gallon.

  2. Tom DeLay will be convicted but will receive probation instead of prison time.

  3. Cheney will have a mild heart attack and resign. It will turn out that he only had indigestion, but Bush will tell him, “A deal’s a deal.”

  4. Indonesia will become the new hiding place for Osama bin Laden.

  5. Gold will increase in price to over $700 an ounce.

  6. Kenneth Lay will be acquitted. “Terminal stupidity” will be his defense.

  7. Jack Abramoff will testify in open court and 14 congressman and 6 Senators will have mild heart attacks and resign.

  8. The stock market (DJIA) will drop below the 10,000 mark.

  9. Daimler Chrysler will go into bankruptcy.

  10. Southwest Airlines will buy Delta, United and US Air.

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