Thursday, January 26, 2006


Thursday morning and I think it rained last night…of course it wasn’t forecast. This week, the forecast has varied every day from what was previously forecast and now I just read that rain is predicted for the entire weekend. Darn! Kitty and Dean are arriving tonight and I was hoping we would see some decent “walk around” weather while they are here. The only good part of this forecast are the low temperatures; all in the high 40’s.

Speaking of walking around; our plan was to drive to Redding and visit Turtle Bay and the see the Sundial Bridge on Friday. I think Kitty and Dean would appreciate the mosaic work in the Children’s Garden…but right now the forecast says “showers”. Perhaps it will still be possible. I know that I would like to see the completed mosaics; last time we were there, the artist had about 80% of the work finished.

Some headlines I noticed a few minutes ago…

“Schwarzenegger Approval Rating Recovering: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's approval rating is showing signs of recovery after tumbling late last year, according to a poll released Thursday.”

Do you think this might have something to do with the fact that he is acting a little more responsibly? That he is showing some signs of maturity? This year he has avoided a lot of the Hollywood-style press conferences that he was becoming infamous for. It isn’t much of an improvement, but even a little bit of humility is better than nothing.

“Congress catching on to the value of blogs: It's starting slowly, but a group of senators and representatives are now blogging, and some observers expect the number to grow as elections near.”

Ah! But who is really doing the blogging? Don’t bet your paycheck that it’s a real senator or representative at the other end of the “net”. It will be some low paid operative in the publicists’ office that is doing the work. Very much like the “personal” letters you receive when you communicate with your representatives. Blogs like that just take up valuable space that could be used for better purposes…similar to their offices in Sacramento and Washington.


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    A few showers never scared me! I think it would be great to see the sundial bridge and mosaic. We are packing an umbrella.

  2. Congresscritters, blogging?

