Sunday, February 12, 2006


takes message of support to Algeria:

"Some critics say the US should not improve military links with countries such as Algeria, which have poor human rights records and restricted political freedoms. But standing beside Mr Bouteflika, Mr Rumsfeld sidestepped a question on whether increased US military co-operation depended on further political reform"

Most Americans have forgotten that this is the same Rumsfeld that aided Iran in securing their first nuclear reactor, back in the 1970's...Most Iranians have not forgotten where that reactor came from.


  1. Time to live in the present Steve. That was a different time, with a different government, under different circumstances.

    If you want to live further in the past let's just head the advice of George Washington and not get involved with any foreign entanglement. Problems is the Jeanie is out of the bottle.

  2. The point is not my living in the is what Iran remembers of the past. And that governs how they react to us today. And those who forget the past? Well, you know the answer to that.
