Thursday, April 20, 2006

Early Musings

Thursday has arrived and it’s just another day. So far as I can tell…and that’s not much at this hour. It’s dark out there! Well, a cup of coffee will brighten my outlook.

The first thing I do in the morning is make the coffee. I pour in enough water for one 12 cup pot and while it is brewing, noisily, I go to our study and take a look at my overnight e-mail, deleting and reading; or vice versa. Once in awhile I find something really interesting to read and I will even forget about my waiting coffee. But that’s rare. And this morning is no different, only a few interesting items were found and I have my first cup of coffee at hand and half gone.

Here’s one I read, from the Los Angeles Times…I think it’s supposed to be a humor piece, but I could be wrong.
SACRAMENTO-Jeanne S. Woodford reportedly told the governor that politics is interfering with reform.
Isn’t that odd? How could that be? And then there was this one from the New York Times.

STORM EVACUEES ARE STRAINING TEXAS HOSTS The state may be nearing the end of its ability to play good neighbor without compensation. “The city of Houston bent over backwards for these people, and I am glad we did it. But now we are absorbing some of their problems."SCOTT WILSON, on victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Oh, oh…he called them “these people”. That’s the first step towards making them very separate and of a lesser value. They are no longer our fellow human beings but are “these people.” Now I could understand his attitude if the refugees had been politicians, but they weren’t. They were the victims of politicians and so they deserve our compassion. After all, aren’t we all victims? OK, maybe that’s the humor piece…

1 comment:

  1. They voted in these crooks.....

    The CCPOA is typical labor thug business as usual. They walk the toughest beat in the state you know? (Cough, cough). They also make more than some of the therapist and docs with overtime.
