Thursday, April 20, 2006

New Wal-Mart CIO steams ahead with RFID

Yes, it's a GOOD Wal-Mart thing...
I know it's hard to believe; that I would say something good about Wal*Mart. But RFID is a good thing, and if it's implemented as it should be, this could be the end of checkout lines at all stores! Imagine your shopping cart knowing what is contained within it. Adding up each item as you drop it into the cart. Want to see how much you spent? The cart can tell you...and then you can backtrack and remove that candy that your child (or husband) slipped into the cart while you were distracted.


  1. I don't know Steve. Wal-mart in notorius for "pricing error". Errors my a**. They sell expired meat, the wieghts are wrong. Now I take the expired meat and hide in it other locations in the store. My mom ate a bad sandwich that we later found out was a week past the sell by date. I noticed that they also add additional tags with later sell by dates. Whit and I found meat that had been extended sevaral times for an additional week and a half of shelf life. We have almost stooped buying grocceries altogether from Wal-mart instead going to Hannafords. All the stores here are about the same price wise (except Shaws/Albetsons)) prices are high, wages are low. Whit and I found out we are eligible for Food Stamps. Can you believe in 2004 I made almost 60,000. Now my mom's social worker is encouraging us to get food stamps. My pride won't allow it, not so long as there are illegals that are going hungry. I admit it, I'm a shmuck.

  2. Sorry, Dave...this is not about Wal*Mart, this is all about RFID and I love it! But I still won't shop at Wal*Mart. I had a lapse last December and actually went into the local Wal*Mart, but you know what? They didn't have what I wanted and so I was spared the embarrassment of having to purchase something there.

    It's OK, God loves schmucks, that why he made so many of us.

  3. I used to think business was good and government was bad. Now I understand that government is a business and it's all bad. Wal-Mart is a symptom of a larger problem.
