Monday, July 31, 2006

Darn that Darwin!

Monday; the week begins anew. And in a most pleasant fashion, with cool air sweeping through the house. I read that we can expect to see morning low’s back in the 50’s. Yes, it’s just for one day, but it’s a start!

I’m heading up to Susanville early this morning for a one day trip to nail some sheathing on the addition. The roof trusses will arrive tomorrow and Bill wants the corners all squared and true before the crane lifts them into place.

Odd; I was at a public function last night, a community church “sing” in the park and heard the “leader” make the observation that scientists do not know how a seed can make a plant. Those scientists know how a plant grows…but have no knowledge of how the process starts. Only God knows. This was followed by a few more anti-science comments. What’s with that? Why do some Christians go out of their way to bash science? And to do it with nonsensical opinions and not fact? I felt like raising my hand and asking for some documentation for his weird pronouncement. Yes, “scientists” and even high school biologists know how a seed can make a plant. This is the kind of rhetoric that can only hurt the cause of Christianity. For instance; Charles Darwin was an avowed Christian to the day he died, but the conservative fundamentalists equate his name with pure evil. Obviously, he was not their kind of Christian. He asked questions.

Knowledge. I think that is what scares them because it has the power to shake their faith. But, it’s their faith that needs strengthening, and dismissing knowledge won’t help with that problem.

Some odds and ends from the news aggregator…
Israeli Air Force Continue Lebanon Strikes
“The Israeli air force carried out strikes Monday in southern Lebanon despite an agreement to halt raids for 48 hours after nearly 60 Lebanese civilians were killed in an Israeli bombing, the army said.” That makes me wonder, who’s in charge?

And this one…
Iraq Supporting Lebanon
“…The Iraqi prime minister angered many Americans — especially Democrats — during a visit to Washington last week when he called for an immediate cease-fire without criticizing Hezbollah for provoking the crisis by capturing two Israeli soldiers and firing missiles into Israel.”

“…Some Democratic lawmakers, including Sen. Hillary Clinton, boycotted al-Maliki's speech to Congress the following day. Sen. Charles Schumer said a "large number of people" were "uncomfortable" with al-Maliki's stance.”

“Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean went so far as to label al-Maliki an "anti-Semite" for failing to denounce Hezbollah.”

Obviously, for Clinton, Schumer and Dean, democracy is only for Democrats.

I was just thinking that we need a lot of “No Bozo’s” stickers to apply to the doors of the House and Senate buildings. Would that change anything? No, but it might make us feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Darwin a Christian? What I have ever learned of him is that he was a nominal Anglican (baptised into the Church of England) and heavily influenced by the Unitarians.

    In fundementalist circles I have heard countless time's how Darwin converted on or near his hour of death. I have no idea if Darwin was a Christian or not. I do know that evolution is 19th centurry science which does not always jive with other scientific fields.

    I would have to say it is neither wise no prudent to speculate on Darwins faith. Holy Tradition (of which the bible is part of) relates to faith and the Trinity's interaction, redemption of a fallen humanity, it is not a scientific theory.

    Nothing turns me off more than well intentioned dunder heads spouting ignorance. It is really a discredit to God. We don't need to lie, embelish the truth, and so on.
