Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Call the cops

This, just in...
Lebanese direct growing anger at U.S.
Many increasingly blame the U.S. for its extensive military and political support of Israel.

As the only superpower left, America has the responsibilty to be the "World's Policeman".
We have failed. A real policeman would have stopped the fighting...and the rest of the world knows it.


  1. I hope you are kidding right? China is a super power. Russia still is a power. I don't know how super American Power is. It is largely the dream of those who believe in American devine right. America and the lifestyle we lead is not real. America is only one event away from being torn apart. I can't imagine what the scenes in the city will look like if our money is suddenly worthless again.

    AMerica's problem is that it has tried to play cop. President Wilson and President Bush are made out of the same cloth. The difference today is that the majority of progressives are either secular or revisionist instead of social gospel Presbyterians.

  2. No kidding. China is a superpower only as a buyer of American bonds. Their military budget is ONE TENTH that of ours, even after accounting for their fudging on the $$'s.

    Russia can't even make it as a member of the WTO...and their fractious allies can't agree on what day of the week it is. Russia = kaput.

    Yes, we are in dire straits financially, but choose to ignore it.

    And I'm afraid you just disturbed President Wilson's rest...
