Monday, September 11, 2006


Along with 3 or 4 million or more other bloggers, I will probably say something about the fact that today is the 5th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. And yes, I remember the day perfectly. We all do. But what I don’t remember nor will I ever remember is the picture of that day that is being painted by the politicians and hate mongers of every description. The film about 9/11? It’s a film…a movie. What kind of a society are we that we allow films to portray our deepest injuries? Sick! Sick! Sick! Everything about 9/11 has been co-opted by the politicians and their hacks for purposes that have nothing to do with the pain of that event. The WTC memorial? It’s all about money and politics and because of that it is still a hole in the ground. There are far grander memorials where anonymous widows and widowers, children and grandparents, have placed small photos of those they loved and lost on that day, on their mantels. The movies are simply images of actors speaking lines created by writers. Why would you believe that?

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