Friday, October 13, 2006

That Other War

From the state department of Utter Nonsense and Frivolous Failures comes this news; Bill Lockyer (State AG) announces that the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) eradicated a record 1.2 million marijuana plants this year. Way to go, Bill!

Now, according to the National Drug Threat Assessment report…"Marijuana availability is high and stable or increasing slightly.” This, despite spending around $4 billion dollars nationwide on the eradication project.

Say, I have an idea. Let’s spend $4 billion dollars on drug education and treatment. Guess what happens to the price of a product when there is less demand. The price goes down and less people are interested in marketing it. Yes, even with drugs, the law of supply and demand regulates the prices. Duh! So with every raid, the price goes up and that creates an even more attractive market for some new criminals.

How long has the War on Drugs been going on now? And can anyone claim a victory? Any victory at all? It’s kind of like hitting your head repeatedly against the wall; eventually you need to ask yourself, why? And then stop doing it.

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