Saturday, October 14, 2006


The morning starts in the usual manner; let the cat in and pet her. Make a pot of coffee and wait for it to brew. Pet the cat. Check out the e-mail and read the news from the Times (LA and New York). Pet the cat. Pour a cup of coffee. Pet the cat. Read the news collected on the aggregator. Pet the cat. Read my favorite blogs. Pet the cat. Pour more coffee. Pet the cat. Open my journal. Ah! Cat is asleep…

Here’s something I read this morning… “The GOP richly deserves to lose its majority in Congress. I just wish the Democrats deserved to win one.” Oh, so true! My thoughts exactly.

There are 25 days left before the election will be over and we can go back to a more normal life. I rarely answer the telephone anyway, but now with phone ads coming at us a dozen times a day; I never touch a ringing phone! It might be Barbara Boxer on the line…she calls regularly.

I do have to wonder; do people really listen to those phone ads? I’m sure someone monitors their effectiveness; why spend money for something that doesn’t work? Which begs the question; why do we pay our Congressmen?

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